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November 21, 2016

Audrey Hepburn Airbrushed Photo for "Breakfast At Tiffany’s" Before Photoshop

Even the timeless beauty of Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn couldn’t escape a few artistic touch-ups, as this never-before-seen publicity photo shows. Released for the 50th anniversary of the romantic heartbreaker “Breakfast At Tiffany’s,” the shots are included in a companion coffee-table book by Sarah Gristwood in 2011.

The photo shows Audrey Hepburn posing for one of the movie's iconic publicity shots with pencil lines marking up her face, supposedly indicating where the gamine star could use a bit of smoothing.

It’s hard to see any real flaws in the “before” picture, yet a studio retoucher still went to work with a grease-pencil on tiny lines and crow’s feet. There aren’t that many differences in the before and after, but those who believed the actress didn’t have pores may be a little disappointed.

Though author Truman Capote originally wanted Marilyn Monroe for the part, Hepburn’s gamine style and natural beauty in the role of Holly Golightly, the quirky New York City call girl, forever established the actress as a movie and fashion icon.

(via New York Post)


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