Although they are naturally blessed with plenty of sunshine and cheap orange juice, Californians are notorious for their eagerness to find new ways of keeping healthy. Dotting the state are dozens of spas and resorts which advertise salutary baths, colonic treatments and curative waters.
These interesting vintage photographs below capture six healthy girls from the Dorothy Preble model agency in Hollywood visited the Arrowhead Hot Springs Hotel for a healthy holiday weekend. During their stay they boiled eggs in the hot springs, were daubed with Arrowhead mud, basked in underground steam caves and lolled in warm mineral baths containing traces of rare salts.
Models kid themselves and the stiffly affected postures of their trade beside the scalloped, palm-bordered pool near the hotel. Their boss, Mrs Preble, remains unimpressed. |
Elisabeth Kellogg displays a terry-cloth bathing suit. Called a “stunner”, it is more practical for sunning than for swimming. |
The girls boil their eggs in the “world’s hottest spring”. |
Frolicking in the salutary waters of hot mineral baths at Arrowhead Hot Springs Hotel. |
A mock fashion show is put on by Elisabeth Kellogg. Holding a flower for a prop, she parodies one of the stilted stances she is paid to use on work days. |
A pillow fight breaks out after breakfast, which the models had served in bed. |
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