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June 4, 2016

Stunning Color Photos of South Africa in the late 1960s

During the 1960s, the implementation of apartheid and the repression of internal opposition continued despite growing world criticism of South Africa's racially discriminatory policies and police violence. Thousands of Africans, coloreds, and Asians were removed from white areas into the land set aside for other racial groups. Some of these areas, called black homelands, were readied for independence, even though they lacked the physical cohesiveness--Bophuthatswana, for example, consisted of some nineteen non-contiguous pieces of land--to make political or economic independence a viable or believable concept. None of the four homelands declared independent received any form of world recognition.

These color photographs below capture street scenes and urban landscapes of cities in South Africa in 1968 and 1969.

Bera Road, Durban, South Africa

Bus terminus in Johannesburg

Cape tramways bus outside railway station

Cape tramways depot

Carlton Centre construction site in Johannesburg

Centre of street bus terminus in Johannesburg

Depot built for experimental trolleybus then used as Bloemfontein municipal bus depot

Diesel bus terminus in central Johannesburg

Double deck diesel bus on a street in Johannesburg

Double headed electric coal train Cato Ridge near Durban

GEM Cinema, Roberts Avenue, Kensington, South Africa

Grahamstown Station in Cape, South Africa

Half-cab bus from Simon's Town to 'Seaforth & Froggy Pond' in the Cape Town

Half-cab bus in Utenhage, near Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Johannesburg City Hall

Johannesburg City Library

Kimberley, Northern Cape

Kruger Museum, Pretoria

Line up of private buses in Durban

Main Street, Port Shepstone

Market and bus terminal at Stanger railway station near Durban

Municipal diesel bus destination, Tempe, Bloemfontein

Native trolleybus terminus in Johannesburg

Nigel near Johannesburg

Port Shepstone, Natal

Port Shepstone, Natal

Port Shepstone, Natal

Pretoria City Hall

Pretoria Railway Station


Putco bus in Pretoria

Railway station in Durban

Railway yards, Johannesburg

Red arrow bus in Cape Town

Removal of trolleybus overhead in Durban

South Beach Front, Durban, South Africa

Trailer bus in Kimberley, South Africa

Train approaching Port Shepstone

Train leaving Port Shepstone, Natal

Trolley bus overhead at North Ridge, Durban

Trolley bus turns into Church Street, Pretoria

Trolley buses on streets in Johannesburg

Union building, Pretoria

At the port in Durban

Beachfront, East London

Bera Road work, Durban, South Africa

(via lindsaybridge)

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    I am creating an online class for a famous explorer, Mike Horn, who's originally from Johannesburg South Africa. I love your images of South Africa in the late 60's and was wondering if I could use some of your photos in the class to show what life was like. Feel free to email me directly -




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