The Victorian Era marked a huge shift in the treatment of homosexuality. Prior to the 19th century, the theory had been that if no one discussed it, it would disappear altogether. An individual's sex life was also treated as a very private matter, so people were reluctant to speak discuss it outside of courtrooms. The British had been in complete denial about the presence of homosexuality within their country
During the 19th century the silence in England was broken, and police began actively fighting the "problem" of homosexuality. The witch hunts and mass hangings began, and the number of convictions rose. However, the laws were selectively applied and thus were not a great threat to gay men, as long as they were discreet and avoided scandal.
Gay men were commonly seen by society as perverts who had chosen their sexuality, or as diseased individuals whose sexuality was caused by their upbringing and biology, and not something they were born with. Doctors and psychologists, believing that homosexuality could be cured, tried methods such as hypnosis and aversion therapy.
A late 19th century gay couple |
A middle-aged gay couple in the late 1800s |
Young men in the 1880s |
An affectionate pair from the late 19th century |
Gay couple in the 1850s-60s |
Gay couple in the late 1800s in America |
A gay couple, 1878 |
Gay couple, ca. 1870s |
Gay men from the 1800s |
Gentlemen lovers in the 1870s |
Male couple in America, 1875 |
Male couple in America, ca. 1880s |
Men with hats and cigars hand in hand |
Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas, 1893 |
Two gentlemen in the late 1800s |
Men with hand in hand in Victorian Era |
Two men in Victorian Era |
A male couple with hats and open waistcoats, ca. 1850s-60s |
Two unidentified Union Army soldiers, 1864 |
Two young gentlemen, ca. 1850 |
Unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms holding cigars in each other's mouths, ca. 1860s |
Victorian old lovers |
19th century male lovers with flower hats |
A couple in the 19th century |
A couple of lovers in the late 1800s |
Gay couple , ca. 1860s |
Young lovers, ca. 1890s |
A gentlemen couple hand in hand, ca. 1890s |