Marjory Collins described herself as a "rebel looking for a cause." She began her photojournalism career in New York City in the 1930s by working for such magazines as
PM and
U.S. Camera. In 1941, Collins joined Roy Stryker's team of photographers at the U.S. Office of War Information to document home front activities during World War II. She created remarkable visual stories of small town life, ethnic communities, and women war workers.
New York. Italian-Americans on MacDougal Street relaxing on Sunday, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Sunday swimmers at the municipal swimming pool, 1942 |
New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the 'Fifties', 1942 |
Arlington, Virginia. FSA trailer camp project for Negroes. Hanging out washing in front of the community building, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. Washington schoolchild brings a load of scrap paper to school once a week, 1942 |
New York. Italian-Americans watching parade on Mott Street and flag raising ceremony in honor of boys from the neighborhood in the United States Army, 1942 |
New York. Italian-American cafe espresso shop on MacDougal Street where coffee and soft drinks are sold. The coffee machine cost one thousand dollars, 1942 |
Baltimore, Maryland. School children and workers returning home on a trolley at five pm, 1943 |
New York. Waiting room at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942 |
New York. Waiting for trains at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Watermelon vendor at the farmers' market, 1942 |
New York. Janet and Marie Wynn (lower left), Czech-American children, climbing on monkey bars in Central Park playground, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Government workers lunch outside the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington Monument park, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. Children bringing their weekly contribution of scrap paper to school, 1942 |
New York. The mall restaurant in Central Park on Sunday, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Municipal swimming pool on Sunday, 1942 |
New York. Italian-Americans in the rain watching a flag raising ceremony in honor of the feast of San Rocco at right, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Relaxing on the edge of the municipal swimming pool on Sunday, 1942 |
Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. Children bringing their weekly contribution of scrap paper to school, 1942 |
New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the 'Fifties', 1942 |
Those are good pictures.