Beatle fan frenzy in Los Angeles peaked each August from 1964 to 1966. The band performed at the Hollywood Bowl on Aug. 23, 1964, In 1965 they again performed at the Hollywood Bowl on Aug. 29th and 30th. On Aug. 28, 1966, they performed at Dodger Stadium.
Aug. 18, 1964: About 500 fans crowded into Los Angeles International Airport to see the Beatles, who were enroute to San Francisco for a concert at the Cow Palace. |
March 15, 1964: Beatle fans scream at a local Fox West-Coast Theater during rebroadcast nationally by closed-circuit TV of the band's recent concert in Washington D.C. Tickets were $2.50 per admission. |
April 25, 1964: Crowd gathers at the Hollywood Bowl to buy tickets for the Beatles August 23, 1964 performance. The Bowl was one of several locations selling tickets. The line of teenagers snaked for several blocks. The concert was sold out in three hours. |
Aug. 18, 1964: Unidentified girls weep with joy after viewing arrival of Beatles' plane at Los Angeles International Airport. |
Aug. 23, 1964: Officer Robert Yocum informs Beatle fans Chelie Mylott and Melody Yapscott, right, that they'll have to move from their spot in front of the Hollywood Bowl. The girls had no tickets but hoped to get them from scalpers or sneak in. |
Aug. 23, 1964: The Beatles, top center, quickly file into waiting car following press conference at a North Hollywood teen-ager club. Their next stop was for a concert at the Hollywood Bowl. |
Aug. 23, 1964: The Beatles, top center, quickly file into waiting car following press conference at a North Hollywood teen-ager club. Their next stop was for a concert at the Hollywood Bowl. |
Aug. 23, 1964: Beverly Kellogg is one of thousands of fans waiting for the Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl. |
Aug. 23, 1964: Fans watching Beatles in concert at the Hollywood Bowl. |
Aug. 23, 1964: Fans screaming during Beatles concert at the Hollywood Bowl. |
Aug. 24, 1964: Actress Nancy Olson, then married to Alan Livingston, helps an unifentified girl throught a Beatles reception line during a charity event. From left is George Harrison, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney. |
Aug. 25, 1964: Beatle fans run pass barricades and rush policemen in effort to reach Bel-Air home where the band was staying. The fans were stopped before reaching the band. |
Aug. 25, 1964: Beatle fans run pass barricades and rush policemen in effort to reach Bel-Air home where the band was staying. |
Aug. 25, 1964: The Beatles, from left: Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison, relax on lawn of rented Bel-Air mansion. |
Aug. 25, 1964: Ringo Starr plays the role of quick-draw artist as he gets the other Beatles in his sights during rest day for the band at a Bel-Air mansion. |
Aug. 26, 1964: Members of the Beatles Boosters Fan Club display their anger over traffic ticket given Paula Glasser, left when they pursued car carrying the band. Others in front from left, are Kay Zar, Mickie Tummino and Sue Richman. In rear from left are Darlene Valdes, Sue Stafford and Yvonne Salinas. |
Aug. 23, 1965: The Beatles secret hideway became a mob scene when girls learned it was no longer a secret. |
Aug. 25, 1965: Beatle fans, from left, Paula Glasser, Kay Zar, Mikki Tummino and Sue Candiotti took turns flying with pilot Russell O'Quinn in rented helicopter to visit the band. They took turns flying at 300 feet over the Beatles' rented home in Benedict Canyon. |
Aug. 29, 1965: Photographers at press conference for the Beatles before their performance at the Hollywood Bowl. Seated on right is Paul McCartney with Ringo Starr partly visible behind him. Standing on right is John Lennon. |
Aug. 29, 1965: The Beatles at press conference before their performance at the Hollywood Bowl. From left is George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Poster is for their movie "HELP!." |
Aug. 30, 1965: Police and security guards try to hold crowd of youngsters from reaching Beatles as the band prepare to leave Hollywood Bowl in an armored car. |
Aug. 30, 1965: Beatle fans get trampled as the band leave Hollywood Bowl in armored car in background. When the armored car stalled, fans rushed past police lines to reach the vehicle. The armored car was re-started and left. |
Aug. 28, 1966: Two teenage Beatle fans find themselves in handcuffs as well as tears after they scaled Dodger Stadium wall and ran onto field during concert. They were hustled out. |
Aug. 28, 1966: Crowd watching the Beatles perform at Dodger Stadium. |
Aug. 28, 1966: The Beatles perform on stage at Dodger Stadium – near second base. From left is George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and John Lennon. |
Los Angeles Times)
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