A number of panorama shots were included among these photographs by Armstrong Beere and Himes, taken from the roof of the Rossin House Hotel, which together provide an almost 360 degree view of the City of Toronto as it existed in 1856. The photographs were taken from different positions on the rooftop, so they do not form a continuous panorama. However,
this image (a composite of 13 images below) does provide a sense of the panoramic view from the top of the hotel in the mid-19th century.
Toronto from the top of the Rossin House Hotel : looking west along King Street West. On the southwest corner of the intersection of Simcoe and King Streets stands the Second Government House of Ontario, also known as Elmsley House (Roy Thomson Hall stands on the site today). |
Looking west north west. At the right edge of the photograph, a building with a peaked roof line is visible - located on the northeast corner of Adelaide and Simcoe Streets, the building was known as the Bishop's Block. Built in 1829, the Block was reputed to be the first brick homes in the Town of York. |
Looking north north west. |
Looking north up York Street. Osgoode Hall is visible at the end of the street. |
Looking north north east. |
Looking north east. On the left hand edge one can see the Church of the Holy Trinity and in the centre can be seen the spire of the Toronto Normal School. Further to the right are group of churches, one which is Knox Presbyterian. |
Looking east north east. |
Looking east along King Street. On the north side of the street can be seen St. James Cathedral, which at that point did not have a spire. Across the street one can see St. Lawrence Hall. |
Looking east south east. |
Looking south south east. |
Looking south towards the Toronto Harbour. A train can be seen along the railway. |
Looking south south west. |
Looking south west. Simcoe Street (north-south) and Front Street (east-west) are visible in the distance. The buildings located on the northwest corner of Simcoe and Front streets, facing Lake Ontario, were Ontario's Third Parliament Buildings. |
(Photos credit:
City of Toronto Archives)
That was cool! I guess they have had a lot of practice. It looked quite complicated fixing the hair like that and the kimono.