Bring back some good or bad memories


January 23, 2015

28 Wonderful Color Photographs Capture Everyday Life in the U.S. From the 1950s

Historians use the word “boom” to describe a lot of things about the 1950s: the booming economy, the booming suburbs and most of all the so-called “baby boom.” This boom began in 1946, when a record number of babies–3.4 million–were born in the United States. About 4 million babies were born each year during the 1950s. In all, by the time the boom finally tapered off in 1964, there were almost 77 million “baby boomers.”

After World War II ended, many Americans were eager to have children because they were confident that the future held nothing but peace and prosperity. In many ways, they were right. Between 1945 and 1960, the gross national product more than doubled, growing from $200 billion to more than $500 billion. Much of this increase came from government spending: The construction of interstate highways and schools, the distribution of veterans’ benefits and most of all the increase in military spending–on goods like airplanes and new technologies like computers–all contributed to the decade’s economic growth. Rates of unemployment and inflation were low, and wages were high. Middle-class people had more money to spend than ever–and, because the variety and availability of consumer goods expanded along with the economy, they also had more things to buy.


  1. I get a "KICK" looking back at the 70' & before!

  2. ▲▬▆ ▆▬▆■▉▬▉▉▉64 I simply g0t paid 8580 operating 0ff my lapt0p this m0nth. And if y0u're thinking that that is cool, my single friend has tWin t0ddlers and revamped $9k her 1st month. It feels thus sensible Creating a l0t of|such a lot|most} Cash once others need to work for thus much less. this is often what I do,........http://check this page...

  3. I'd say that, while human beings do have selfish & lazy streaks, they also have innate capacities for caring about others, working cooperatively for the common good, and being part of a community to which they are responsible. In fact, it is through these latter attributes that the human species has survived at all. Individual human beings operating selfishly on their own could never have lived to tell our story; it is only through interdependent social groups that we were able to hold our own in the natural order and ultimately to develop culture and prevail over the rest of creation. When do you feel best about yourself? I'll bet it's when you feel close to another being in a trusting way and/or when you've done something that contributes to the welfare of others as well as yourself.

  4. Some were like that but in general the grass was a means to liberate the better part of our natures and allow us to open to the beauty of this world.

  5. oh yes, I see now...thanks, Christopher.

  6. "slaves on acid. check."

    But some are slaves to ignorance, uh, timeoutofmind.

  7. "But some are slaves to ignorance, uh, timeoutofmind."

    ...referring to you, not the hippies, who knew instinctually that humankind is one, and dropping out of a materialistic, coarse culture is a good thing.

  8. Rigid straights will never understand hippies, whose ideas and thought processes were superior to conventional, materialistic society.

  9. Why aren't these same people doing it anymore? Seems to me the idealized sustainable lifestyle is actually not sustainable. I think that's because sustainability has to do with more than the environment and harvesting your own food. This lifestyle might have helped shape themselves and their beliefs, to change themselves, but not to change the world. Let's commune in the cities, live among people who are different than ourselves, learn from one another, confront our neighbor's problems as our own, and practice these same noble things wherever we are. The reality of the world doesn't leave because you retreat from it, but it can change if you confront it. Peace be your journey, just don't travel too long, we need you at home.

  10. The guy can't reminisce? Relax, man.

  11. There's a lame guy in a sports coat . . . i didn't see that .. . .

  12. so you gonna be strong with indoor living, chemical food, watching tv and test tube babies . . . .?? . . . . i don't think so . . .

  13. Why are you looking . . . . ??

  14. I don't think I'd like that life. I'm more of an individual and not the type of person who likes "community meetings." You do your thing and I'll do mine if you know what I'm saying.

    On the contrary, I'm sure their commune was more efficient and productive than the society I like to constantly complain about.

  15. There is a difference between hippies and those that were part of a commune. Trust me I was born in one in 1972 in California. They worked hard and did not do drugs. They grew their own food and worked their own fields. We bathed regularly. Hippies did not bathe and were more like hobos. The term hippie in definition is not what a person living in a commune did. There were married couple with families like mine and it was not a live fest. Although we left when I was 3 I fully understand the why. Do not judge th email if you don't know the why.

  16. Love fest not live feat

  17. I was an egg waiting to be fertilized.

  18. It is amazing what a little acid can do to a few hundred people.

  19. If we had more woman opting for natural childbirth, perhaps they'd stop having multiple na is and get off welfare....js

  20. no matter the decade, hippies are dirty

  21. Some of those in the picture not only went on to become doctors, lawyers, CEOs and CFOs, but they did it without ever leaving the commune. Right now we are building a museum to enshrine the best of an era, with 4 days left in the campaign -

  22. Yes, so efficient and productive that every commune failed. They failed because they didn't understand human nature, economics, and how communities operate. Then after they failed they became Democrat candidates now screwing up on a much larger scale.

  23. Just enjoy the pictures and shut the fuck up. I'm tired of all of this political bullshit.




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