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March 11, 2014

Black and White Photos of New York City in the Early 1960s

A collection of 27 amazing black and white photographs capture street scenes of New York City in the early 1960s.

An image of an eye is projected onto a building at New York by a skyjector. February 1960.

Two policemen pursue the members of a New York street gang after a fight broke out. November 1961.

The Kennedy family. New York. October 17, 1963.

Marilyn Monroe leaving the Pollyclinic in Manhattan, after her gall bladder operation. January 1961.

A lifeguard at Steeplechase park, Coney Island stands with a whistle between her lips as she points to a transgressor in the pool below. In the background is a fairground big-wheel. July 1961.

Exterior of Hugh Hefner's Playboy Club in Midtown. January 1962.

Demonstrators carrying placards protest against the murder of James Powell, a 15-year old black teenager who was shot by a policeman, July 23, 1964.

Homeless elderly men outside the Christian Herald's Bowery Mission. January 1961.

Striped awnings cover the windows of R H Macy, a historical shop in Freedomland Park, a Wild West themed park in the Bronx, New York City. August 1960.

Three women keep cool during a heat wave by moving a park bench into the water in Central Park. September 1961.

Paintings on display in Washington Square in Greenwich Village. Artists traditionally exhibit their work on the area's streets in spring and autumn. October 1964.

American sculptor and pop artist Claes Oldenburg makes himself up for a performance in Greenwich Village. He is a pioneer of the expressionist theatre known as 'Happening.' His wife Pat watches the proceedings with a bored expression. June 1962.

Entrance to the Stock Exchange in New York's Wall Street. June 1964.

A snack bar serving food and drinks opposite the First National City Bank in New York's Wall Street. June 1964.

A poodle visits a drug store for dogs in New York City and is fitted with a bathrobe. January 1960.

Ronald Hazel of Brooklyn, New York, works on Thodar, his robot. 1960.

A couple share an intimate moment amongst the 10,000 young people who have gathered in Central Park for an Easter Love-in. January 1961.

Alice and the White Rabbit in the Thanksgiving Parade in New York. November 1961.

New York skyline showing the Newsweek building. May 1961.

Beatles fans in 1964.

A gigantic litter basket in Times Square, New York with a sign saying, 'Just a Drop in the basket keeps new York Clean'. Another sign threatens a $25 fine for any litterbug caught by the Sanitation Police Flying squad. March 1964.

Frank Sinatra drags a soaking wet Laurence Harvey from the lake during location filming of the John Frankenheimer thriller 'The Manchurian Candidate' in Central Park, February 1962.

The 58 story Pan American building in New York which stands over the Grand Central Terminal station. January 1962.

Two young women eating lunch in Central Park. July 1961.

The Rolling Stones in New York, June 1964.

A window cleaner at work on the RCA Building, Rockefeller Center. May 1961.

Three children stand and look in the window of Mrs Herbst's bakery. 1960.

(Photos © Getty Images, via Gothamist)


  1. Really amazing shots of Iggy & the band. NEVER seen these before!!

  2. Thanks for sharing. Awesome

  3. These are wild! Fantastic!

  4. Is that jimmy on bass?




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