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June 12, 2013

Rare Photographs of The Beatles Taken by Ringo Starr in 1964

During the early days of the Beatles, Ringo Starr often traveled with a camera and took photos of the group behind the scenes, from rehearsing for their history-making appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show to goofing around on the set of their 1965 movie, Help!. And here are some of rare photographs taken by Ringo Starr in 1964.

Photo by Ringo- “No privacy with Ringo Starr and camera around.”

Photo by Ringo- “George is a perfectionist - especially when it comes to his music. Before each recording session he practices alone for a while to make sure everything sounds just right.”

Photo by Ringo- “A British bobby George - pensive and stone-faced for a change. Pictures of George smiling are rare indeed!”

Photo by Ringo- “If it isn’t the Old Stone-face again. Come on George - SMILE!”

Photo by Ringo- “After a hard day’s work it’s the greatest feeling to loosen your tie and just relax. That’s almost an unknown word to us Beatles.”

Photo by Ringo- “George is really serious about the guitar. He spends his spare time studying the Spanish guitar and his favourite performer is Andres Segovia.”

Photo by Ringo- “Poor George is all pooped out. Like the rest of us everything he has goes into his performance - and out to the audience.”

Photo by Ringo- “A fraction away from a smile.”

Photo by Ringo- “All the songs that John and Paul write for us were thought out and strummed on the guitar from the very beginning. I guess the reason for this is that neither of the boys knows how to read or write music.”

Photo by Ringo- “Grumble, grumble… looks like John has a thorn in his side. Come on John - smile!”

Photo by Ringo- “C’mon John - strum that ol’ guitar. The equipment we use now is quite a ways from the two second-hand amplifier and three used and broken-down guitars we started with.”

Photo by Ringo- “Well who do we have here - John! My goodness, what else can he do? Write, paint, sing, photograph - and now this!”

Photo taken by Ringo- “John is a camera-bug too, though he hasn’t as much time to spend on it as I do - with his writing and all. But one thing you can be sure of - wherever we go - so does the camera.”

Photo by Ringo- “Paul models what all the fashionables will be wearing this year. Raccoon collars complete with police caps!”

Photo by Ringo- “Paul looked kind of bored when I snapped this picture of him. It is kind of difficult of him to sit still for long periods of time - he’s such a NUT!”

Photo by Ringo- “Sweet tones of Paul McCartney. Every time Paul sings he puts his whole heart and soul into it. No wonder our records sell so well.”

Photo by Ringo- “Marlon Brando? No, it’s Paul again - with dark glasses. Can I have your autograph, Paul?”

Photo by Ringo- “Eating again! Better watch it Paul - you might get fat!”

Photo by Ringo- “The two wildest guys in the lot - Paul and Malcolm Evans, one of our road managers.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Paul has rare combination of talents - exceptional good-looks and exceptional talent.”

Photo by Ringo- “Hi Paul! Hope we’re not interrupting…”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Uh, excuse me, officer, could you tell me where I might find Paul McCartney of the Beatles?”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Maureen Cox is the girl I most often see when I’m home in Liverpool. She’s real pretty and we have a FABULOUS time when we go out.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “A lot more work and preparation goes into recording a song than many people realise. Every note and word has to be clear and understandable. It’s hard word - but we love it.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Who do you think you are, Paul - Ringo Starr? You continue playing with my drumsticks and I might start taking guitar lessons.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “This is a section of painting done by an artist of all of us. Can you tell which Beatle this is?”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Paul’s moments of silence are rare indeed, but my trustee camera and I managed to snap this one.”

Photo by Ringo- “I’m sure you recognise this picture. I took it in Washington, D.C. on my last visit to the United Stated.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Lord Rudolph with his dog on the grounds of Woburn Abbey, the home of the Duke of Bedford.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “The McCartney-Lennon combo - our best songwriters and singers!”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “This photo was taken with a time exposure. The guy with his arm around Maureen is my friend, Lord Rudolph Russell.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Guess who.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “A man I most admire, Eric Sykes. He’s one of the top British comedians.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “My manager, Brian’s almost hidden by the flowers - bad staging, Ringo! Everywhere we go fans send flowers to the hotel we stay at. They make the room look really nice and we appreciate them.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Beauty and brains - that’s Dawn James. She’s a top pop journalist in England. Can’t say I mind being interviewed by her.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “This picture was taken when we first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show last year. Notice George’s happy grin!”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “It’s always exciting to look out of the window of the plane and see fans cheering us.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “My, but isn’t this a happy group.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Here’s Brian and Paul. I guess he’s every right to wear a Beatle wig - he’s the fifth Beatle, you know.”

Sylvie Vartan photographed in Paris by Ringo Starr.

Photo by Ringo Starr- “Jane was a little annoyed when I shot this picture, but she’s so pretty anyway I couldn’t resist. I didn’t think she’d mind my putting it in this album.”

Photo by Ringo Starr- “This was shot with a time exposure at Woburn Abbey. From left to right are me, Maureen, Steve Panama, Vivienne, Rodger Shine and Lord Rudolph Russell.”

Photo of Maureen taken by Ringo at Woburn Abbey.

Photo taken by Ringo Starr- “Wherever we go, throughout the world we get a police escort each time we leave our rooms. Kind of makes you feel important.”

Photo taken by Ringo Starr- “My favourite people - the fans. I wish I could spend more time getting to know them, but from the experiences I’ve had I think they’d rip me to pieces.”




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