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June 18, 2013

45 Beautiful and Surreal Vintage Polish Posters for Hollywood Movies

Unique, creative and, at times, plain crazy. Polish movie posters have recently hit new heights in their popularity. What usually makes a Polish movie poster recognizable? Well they normally avoid any iconic imagery you would expect or associate with the film itself.

During Communist rule, the Polish state-run film industry rejected Western ideas and their promotion and marketing ideals too, resulting in the training and specialization of the Polish movie poster artist. These young artisans were commissioned to create striking, unaffected posters for all our memorable western films. Expressive, surreal and unrestrained.

The Polish artists often had no legal reason to use photography or the actors in the design, often the leading stars didn’t even get credited. Sometimes the artist had never even seen the film or any imagery contained within it. The results were designs which conveyed the essence of the film with complete artistic freedom.

Weekend at Bernie’s. Artist: Jakub Erol. Year: 1990

25. War Games. Artist: Mieczyslaw Wasilewski. Year: 1985

Willow. Artist: Wieslaw Walkuski. Year: 1989

Rosemary’s Baby. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1984

Working Girl. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1990

Dumbo. Artist: Anna Huskowska. Year: 1961

The Muppet Movie. Artist: Waldemar Swierzy. Year: 1982

Paper Moon. Artist: Jerzy Flisak. Year: 1975

Taxi Driver. Artist: Andrzej Klimowski. Year: 1978

The Birds. Artist: Bronislaw Zelek. Year: 1965

Young Frankenstein. Artist: Jerzy Flisak. Year: 1979

Gremlins. Artist: Jan Mlodozeniec. Year: 1985

2001 : A Space Odyssey. Artist: Wiktor Gorka. Year: 1973

Sleeping Beauty. Artist: Hanna Bodnar. Year: 1962

The Untouchables. Artist: Mieczyslaw Wasilewski. Year: 1987

Empire of the Sun. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1989

The Terminator. Artist: Jakub Erol. Year: 1987

Ordinary People. Artist: Jan Mlodozeniec. Year: 1983

Sabrina. Artist: Maciej Zbikowski. Year: 1967

Fatal Attraction. Artist: Maciej Kalkus. Year: 1988

Vertigo. Artist: Roman Cieslewicz. Year: 1963

The Empire Strikes Back. Artist: Miroslaw Lakomski. Year: 1983

Planet of the Apes. Artist: Eryk Lipinski. Year: 1969

Roman Holiday. Artist: Jerzy. Flisak Year: 1959

Dances with Wolves. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1991

Dirty Dancing. Artist: Mieczyslaw Wasilewski. Year: 1989

Sunset Boulevard. Artist: Waldemar Swierzy. Year: 1957

Poltergeist. Artist: Jakub Erol. Year: 1984

Alien. Artist: Jakub Erol. Year: 1980

Cabaret. Artist: Wiktor Gorka. Year: 1973

Tootsie. Artist: Wieslaw Walkuski. Year: 1984

The Graduate. Artist: Maciej Zbikowski. Year: 1973

Labyrinth. Artist: Wieslaw Walkuski. Year: 1987

The Godfather: Part II. Artist: Andrzej Klimowski. Year: 1976

Back to the Future. Artist: Mieczyslaw Wasilewski. Year: 1986

The Godfather. Artist: Tomasz Ruminski. Year: 1973

Terms of Endearment. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1985

Return of the Jedi. Artist: Witold Dybowski. Year: 1984

Star Wars. Artist: Jakub Erol. Year: 1978

Cleopatra. Artist: Eryk Lipinski. Year: 1968

101 Dalmatians. Artist: Liliana Baczewska. Year: 1967

Raiders of the Lost Ark. Artist: Grzegorz Marszalek. Year: 1983

The Return of the Pink Panther. Artist: Edward Lutczyn. Year: 1977

Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown. Artist: Hanna Bodnar. Year: 1978

Wall Street. Artist: Andrzej Pagowski. Year: 1988

(via BuzzFeed)


  1. How can I get my hands on these?

    1. I'm not sure how many of these are available here, but maybe you can find something interesting for you -

  2. Amazing posters! When I watching them I feel pride to be Polish
    My favorite : War Games, The Birds, Return of the Jedi and The Godfather: Part II

  3. These are too good..make the Hollywood version look boring and mediocre by comparison..wish they were available in Canada...




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