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January 11, 2013

Rare Color Photographs Capture Daily Life in North Korea in the Late 1970s

North Korean propaganda is full of distortions, fake news, and ludicrous claims designed to make you hail the glory of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WKP) and the Kim dynasty – and curse its enemies.

But it also contains a great deal of factual material as well. The regime doesn’t have to lie about everything, and there are some facts that it is very proud of and would very much like the world to know about.

These interesting color photographs give us furtive glimpses of what North Korea looked like back in the late 1970s.

1 comment:

  1. The kids are so adorable :)

    Just thought I might leave a comment for once. I've been looking at your posts for a while and thought it was rude not to. :)




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