English artist
Edward Linley Sambourne had a tour through Holland in April, 1906. He was with his wife Marion and maybe his daughter but as always he took photographs of women in the street. In the cities The Hague and Amsterdam he saw women dressed in the usual middle class day wear as seen in his pictures of London and Paris.
On a quieter street a group stop to talk, in a poorly composed picture (but understandable if Sambourne was using his right angle camera) |
Here in The Hague a lone woman waits outside a grand building. |
One of the districts of The Hague is Scheveningen, a seaside area where Sambourne found young women dressed in traditional working class costume. |
One of this trio is giving him a suspicious look. |
But this pair seem happy to pose for a picture with part of the pier behind them. |
An excellent view of a woman crossing over one of the canals. |
Here, more tall windows, traditional costume and curious glances. |
The next stop was Haarlem. Although the picture is also badly composed, Sambourne has inadvertently captured a tram line and a group of women carefully crossing it, along with his main subjects the two women in the foreground. |
And in this picture, his interest is probably in the uniform of the nursery maid, but we can also see some characteristic Dutch architecture. |
Although the picture has faded with age it is still a good street scene especially the curious man in the background not looking where he’s going. The picture was taken in Amsterdam. |
Another picture taken the same day which catches activity in the background. |
From Amsterdam they went south to Utrecht where he met these three, who stopped long enough for a picture. |
Utrecht may have been an excursion as the same day they make their way back towards Amsterdam. This is a river or canal side view taken in Muiden, a suburb or district of Amsterdam. |
This woman was photographed having difficulty in the wind another place near Amsterdam. |
The party turned south again and a few days later were in the city of Middelburg, the capital of Zeeland. Here he found another traditional costume. |
This group look fairly serious but the picture was taken in Westkapelle, a small city surrounded on three sides by water. |
A group of teenagers pay no attention to Sambourne but what three of them are looking at and the other one is ignoring we’ll never know. |
The Library Time Machine)
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