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November 15, 2012

Iconic Photos That Paved the Way for Civil Rights Victories

Magnum photographers have recorded many of the struggles over the right to vote, the right to marry, and the right to be included in the political process. Below is a selection of iconic, memorable moments throughout the 20th century.

Overseen by a white registrar, a black citizen trained by CORE fieldworkers answers a rigorous questionnaire in an attempt to register to vote during freedom summer in Baton Rouge, La., 1964. Bob Adelman/Magnum Photos.

Black movement for integration. Teaching the illiterate to write so they can vote in Virginia, 1960. Eve Arnold/Magnum Photos.

Frances "Sissy" Farenthold for vice president rally. Gloria Steinem at the lectern, 1972. Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos.

Women's rights march on Fifth Avenue in New York City, 1970. Bob Adelman/Magnum Photos.

Police attack on a civil rights demonstration in Brooklyn, New York, 1963. Leonard Freed/Magnum Photos.

Young women attend a women's liberation rally in Miami, 1972. Abbas/Magnum Photos.

25th anniversary of gay revolt at Stonewall in New York City, 1994. Paul Fusco/Magnum Photos.

Hecklers insult two black women who are part of a voting rights drive in Selma, Ala., 1965. Bob Adelman/Magnum Photos.

Gay March on Washington April 25, 1993. Constantine Manos/Magnum Photos.

(via Slate)


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