Originally titled Mademoiselle Striptease and directed by Marc Allegret, this classic French movie is a charming frolic through luscious Parisian cabarets with outstanding striptease performances. Agnes Laurent plays a spoiled young provincial girl.
Brigitte Bardot plays the role of a ‘good girl’ and a rather atypical shy and modest one. She gets into trouble by her own doing and enters an amateur striptease contest to win some much needed cash to bail herself out of her predicament. While other contestants take it all off during the competition, Bardot bares very little at all but still manages to win the contest.
(Photos by Frank Scherschel, via LIFE archives)
Brigitte Bardot plays the role of a ‘good girl’ and a rather atypical shy and modest one. She gets into trouble by her own doing and enters an amateur striptease contest to win some much needed cash to bail herself out of her predicament. While other contestants take it all off during the competition, Bardot bares very little at all but still manages to win the contest.
(Photos by Frank Scherschel, via LIFE archives)
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