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June 19, 2012

The 10 Sexiest Shirt Ads From the 1970s

The head hair was feathered. The chest hair was thick and matted. And the shirts were wrinkle-free.

Loose translation: Definitely pleasing! Loose woman: also definitely pleasing. He looks…indifferent.

The stud’s shirt conveniently points the woman to his groin, where, it appears, she is giving him a vigorous, blurred lefty handjob.

100% Arnel® triacetate. 100%-resistant to sex stains.

OK, this is actually a slacks ad from 1966, but…look at the head/body ratio of the guy on the right.

I like this shirt. Van Heusen should’ve spent some money on hand models, though.

A handshake? Was his date a man or a woman? No matter, the second date will end in sex dungeon.

Gosh, so hard to choose. I gonna go with crazy beard, lower left.

“Roman columns or classic Greek urns…” Don’t make me choose between these babymakers!

You could douse that sucker in toxic waste, and it would just sliiide right off.
Best Pun EVER.

(via BuzzFeed)

1 comment:

  1. looks like career club ads were inspiration for new american apparel ads




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