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February 6, 2017

37 Valentine's Day Cards With Funny Quotes You Might Not Want to Read on February 14th

They say romance is dead but, judging by these cards, that might be a good thing...

1. This boy who thinks nothing says romance like cannibalism

2. This 'pretty little tot' who's reaching for her pepper spray

3. This lad who loves a good sausage pun

4. This lady who doesn't just want her puppy pleased

5. This.

6. This dreamer that's the stuff of nightmares

7. This card with a hint of 50 Shades about it

8. This peeping Tom

9. This incredibly sinister situation

10. This weird poem

11. This HR issue

12. This poor cat being strangled by a crazy cat lady

13. This invitation that seems totally legit...

14. This girl who's dodged prison and knows it

15. This budding equestrian

16. This rabbit who sums up our feelings

17. This random camel

18. This feminist and her flirty feline

19. This dog who ended up being dinner

20. This girl who's up to no good

21. This clown who isn't making anybody chuckle

22. These gardeners

23. This pun that makes no sense

24. This woman who doesn't know where to look

25. This terrifying sailor bear

26. This girl who uses hypnosis to get a date

27. This sailor who knows your secrets

28. This girl who's about to be eaten

29. This card that does nothing to break stereotypes

30. This girl who knows her own mind

31. This winker who's on the prowl

32. This fiddler

33. This sinister heart-art

34. This girl looking guilty about what she's put in that pot

35. This girl and her crafts

36. This pair fight, fight, fighting for this love

37. And finally, because lightbulbs are so sexy...

(Images: Flickr/VintageHalloweenCollector, via Mirror)


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