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May 22, 2024

13-Year-Old Winona Ryder Rocking a Clash T-shirt at Her First Movie Audition, 1984

13-year old Winona Ryder (next to Allison Hart, another young actress of the mid 1980s) sporting a Clash t-shirt during her first movie audition back in 1984. The movie was Desert Bloom and she didn’t get the role but her audition tape made its way to an agency which led her to be cast in her first film Lucas.

Ryder has explained how she was considered “different” during her high school years, when she used to sport a boy-ish short haircut and dress in menswear -which actually resulted in her getting horribly harassed and bullied at school: “…people thought I was a boy. At the time, I was obsessed with Bugsy Malone but also very into the Clash and the Replacements. I believe my friend cut my hair, and I remember reading somewhere that if you mixed beer and egg whites and put it in your hair, you could get it spiky like that.”


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