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April 14, 2024

35 Amazing Posters Designed by Clérice Frères in the Early 20th Century

Clérice Frères was the name of a company that represented several French illustrators from the same family – Charles Clérice (1865-1909), Justin Clérice (1863-1908), Victor Clérice (1880-?) and François Clérice (1882-?) – who, the end of the 19th century, specialized among other things in the production of posters and popular and sometimes ribald musical scores.

Posters designed by Clérice Frères in the early 20th century

The company was founded by Carlos Clérice, born in 1865 in Buenos Aires, eldest son of Charles Clérice (1823-1876).

Regarding the posters and scores signed “Clérice Frères”, it is likely, given the style of most of the lithographs, that they were executed by a single person, namely, Victor Clérice. Concerning their production, more than 580 images have been listed to date.

Here below is a set of amazing posters designed by Clérice Frères in the early 20th century.

Folies-Bergères, Le Timbre d'Or, circa 1900

Bridge, 1906

Théâtre de la Porte-Saint-Martin, Le Chevalier d'Eon, circa 1906

Chair de Poule, 1907

La Friponne, 1907

C'est Pour Rire, 1908

Calais-Douvres, 1909

Dans la Puszta, 1909

La D'Moiselle du Tabarin, Opérette en 3 Actes, circa 1910

Theatre du Moulin-Rouge, Claudine, 1910

Cognac Monis, Fine Champagne, 1911

Dubonnet Vin Tonique, 1912

La Cartouchette, 1912

Princesses Dollar, Opérette en 3 actes, Musique de Léo Fall, 1912

La Fauvette Envolée, Opérette en 3 Actes, Livret de Maurice Ordonneau et Jean Bénédict, Partition complète Piano et Chant, 1913

Jean Flor, 1914

Le Chant du Départ, 1915

Tout le long de la Tamise, circa 1915

Les Maris de Ginette, 1916

Ni Veuve, Ni Joyeuse, 1919

Gare les D'ssous, circa 1920

La Goualeuse, Eldorado, Melle Parisys, 1920

Le Tango de la Madone, 1920

Extase, 1923

Princesse Joujou, 1923

Programme Officiel des Fêtes de la Ville de Menton, 1923

La Plus Jolie Fille de France, 1924

Six Danses Modernes, 1924

Gladys, 1925

Jam, 1925

Dolly (I Love You), circa 1926

La dernière valse, 1926

Un Gas du Milieu, Pièce en Cinq Actes, 1926

"Une Belle de Nuit", Pièce en 5 actes, 1927

Bal Des Employés De Banque, 1927

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