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March 14, 2019

Beautiful Life of a German Dog in the 1970s Through Lovely Photos

A lovely photo collection from Alfs photodiary that tells a story about his German dog named Walter in the 1970s.

Walter and my little girl relaxing, September 1973
“Walter (1972 -1982) was my first "own" dog. He was so good with children - never had any reservations with him, they could poke fingers in his eye, step on his paws, take the food out of his mouth - do anything, he would never either move, growl or bark.  
He was a clever dog, minded my children when my back was turned, kept them on the sidewalk or away from "dangerous" slides on the playground... Walter was a german shephard/labarador/airedale terrier mixture and he never let me down. Always stayed on the sidewalk in busy traffic in Copenhagen, always were by my side when I was on a bicycle with the children. 
I let him down once when I forgot him at a trainstation on my way to a party with some friends (I never had him on a leash) - I had ordered him to sit and forgot to say "come" when the train arrived, so we left without him. He boarded several other trains in search of me (while I was in a taxi frantically trying to find him) and Walter was eventually brought to an asylum by the police, where I could fetch him after the week-end. It took a good deal of meaty bones and a lot of smooth talking to get past it!!! 
A dear friend and companion for several children - a welcome guest in many homes - Walter lived to be 11 years old - died in 1982. A loyal friend.”
Lone, Stina and Walter as a puppy, March 3, 1972

Rikke and Walter, siblings, 1972. (About 5-6 months old, still with the pointed sharp puppy teeth)

Walter at Kastellet, Copenhagen, 1973

Walter and Cornelia, 1974

Cornelia walking the dog - or visa versa. Near the corner of Østerbrogade and Ryesgade, Copenhagen, August 1975

One ticket to Copenhagen please! My old friend Walter at the ticket hole at Vaerloese Station, 1975

Walter - the "King" of Fælledparken, Copenhagen, 1975

Walter & Cornelia, 1975

Walter and me playing in the park, Copenhagen, June 30, 1975

Walter, my first "own" dog, June 6, 1976

Folk-band Orføvs and Walter, 1978

Folk-band Orføvs and Walter, 1978

Walter, Frederik and Trille. Frederik was Walter's son, Trille was my mothers dog, 1978



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