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May 5, 2017

"Don't Make Love; Love Makes Itself." And Here's a List of 10 Don’ts for a Youth in the 1910s

Let's travel back in time to the 1910s. These are 10 funny advices for a youth from The Tacoma Times in 1911.

Don'ts for a Youth

1.—Don't fall in love because you're in bachelor quarters for the first time.
2.—Don't think you're in love with a girl because she's had a lot of trouble.
3.—Don't take an inferior or superior position when you've found the golden girl; walk alongside.
4.—Don't forget love is contagious—never infectious.
5.—Don't fall in love with a chorus girl after the second high-ball; it takes lots more to keep it up.
6.—Don't but a new suit the moment you think you're in love; she may not like it, and you may have to wear it out.
7.—Don't propose to the same girl more than three times.
8.—Don't be too sentimental; women, though practical, like at this period to show some sentimentality themselves.
9.—Don't keep on talking about the last girl you were engaged to, to the last girl you mean to marry.
10.—Don't make love; love makes itself.

(from The Tacoma Times, Washington, April 21, 1911)


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